
目前顯示的是 2009的文章

make module with kernel headers

use nntp to test wireless driver

Compile android on ubuntu 9.10

Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

something about cursor on android

Enable PCI GW-USMicroN on Linux and Android

enable home key on android

Travel @ Chicago

modify U-boot environment variables in linux

note - dynamic resolution and fbset

default u-boot parameters on gumstix

enable wifi using GUI on android

note - vim + iTerm + screen 一些設定 on mac

kernel_task佔滿cpu資源 on Mac

Android donut on Gumstix overo - 相關設定整理

Angstrom on gumstix overo

Mount SD card on android

note - 參考文件 about android

zd1211 and libertas_sdio on gumstix overo

iPod touch as wifi adapter for PC

android 1.5 on gumstix overo

cdr to iso on Mac

[轉錄]10個safari's plug-in - Mac only

FTDI usb-serial driver and PL2303 usb-RS232 on mac

xpra on gumstix overo

share app between Linux machines

X window - Multi-display and vnc connection

freebsd chinese note

big5 <-> utf8 using vc++

Setup environment to compile metavnc on Angstrom (ARM-base)

note - apt-get repositories

dd note

note - setup linux grub for freebsd

rsync note

lighttpd note

android on gumstix overo

proftpd on kurobox

evil ssh tunnel


note backup