use nntp to test wireless driver
server mac ----> client arm board
Test 1 (ttcp-t: buflen=8192, nbuf=91920, align=16384/0, port=5001)
sender - my notebook
ttcp -t -s -n91920
receiver - target board
ttcp -r -s
ttcp-t: 753008640 bytes in 251.02 real seconds = 2929.49 KB/sec +++
ttcp-t: 91920 I/O calls, msec/call = 2.80, calls/sec = 366.19
ttcp-t: 0.1user 7.9sys 4:11real 3% 0i+0d 182272maxrss 0+3pf 31977+12361csw
ttcp-t: 753008640 bytes in 605.00 real seconds = 1215.47 KB/sec +++
ttcp-t: 91920 I/O calls, msec/call = 6.74, calls/sec = 151.93
ttcp-t: 0.6user 57.8sys 10:05real 9%
ttcp-r: 753008640 bytes in 865.00 real seconds = 850.13 KB/sec +++
ttcp-r: 168399 I/O calls, msec/call = 5.26, calls/sec = 194.68
ttcp-r: 1.3user 89.4sys 14:25real 10%
Test 2
sender - my notebook
tar cf - Downloads/ | ttcp -t
receiver - target board
ttcp -r -B | tar xvpf -
BulkIn IRP Pending!!!BulkIn IRP Pending!!!BIRIdx(7): RXDMALen not multiple of 4.[113], BulkInBufLen = 20360)0:3 LTL=0 , TL=0 L:00:3 LTL=0 , TL=0 L:00:3 LTL=0 , TL=0 L:0Qidx(0), not enough space in MgmtRing, MgmtRingFullCount=1!Qidx(0), not enough space in MgmtRing, MgmtRingFullCount=2!
目前我也遇到相同情況~在kernel 2.6.37 上 work ralink rt3070 driver時,會出現BulkIn IRP Pending!!!
回覆刪除請問BulkIn IRP Pending!!!這問題您是否任何想法可以解決??